Friday, May 16, 2014

Our boy Serge :(

Serge Ibaka :(

  Well, not a great start to the weekend. Drives home from work on Friday are usually a time where I throw my headphones in and sing like an idiot. This is me driving home on a Friday........

Enjoying myself and getting ready for the weekend. But Serge's calf muscle had different plans for this trip home. It instead wanted me to stare depressingly at the road, and ask "why me? why us? why the Thunder?"  Of course I didn't get an answer, but I'm pretty sure it's because I didn't eat my veggies last night. Ok, maybe not, but that's all I could come up with. 

   It puts the Thunder at a disadvantage for sure. It takes away from the team defense when the best shot blocker, and best paint protector in the league is missing. But for some reason, I still feel alright about it. That is assuming Scott Brooks will make good adjustments, and not just use it as an excuse to play Perkins for more minutes. 

This is what I think needs to happen, which means nothing really, but I thought I would share anyways.

1) My starting lineup would be: Russ, Thabo, KD, Collison, and Steven Adams. Unfortunately for all of us Thunder fans, I'm not the head coach. His name is Scott Brooks and he loves Kendrick Perkins. There is a 98% chance that he starts Perk. So, with that being said.....

2) Steven Adams absolutely has to play more minutes than Perkins. He's the closest thing to Serge we have athletically and in shot blocking ability.  The perimeter defenders are taught to close out hard on shooters, because they have Serge as insurance behind them. And that's how they've played defense for three years, so they're not going to be able to break that in three days. That means they need big Stone Cold Steve Adams to at least try to alter some shots. 

3) All of Perk's minutes need to come with Tim Duncan in the game. That's the only time he needs to play is when he's guarding Duncan one on one. But that definitely doesn't mean he needs to equal Timmy's minutes. I'd be happy with about half of the minutes Duncan gets.

4) When Perk is in, the rest of the lineup needs to be small.  When Perk is in, the offense loses alot of firepower. The opponent essentially doesn't even have to guard him and can double Kevin. 

5) Give Jeremy Lamb a chance. He was really good this season up until the All Star break, but went into a slump after. And with the signing of Caron Butler, he's been phased out of the rotation. With the third best scorer out, the offensive struggle will be there. Kevin and Russ get zeroed(is that a word?) in on as it is, so take away Serge and it gets even tougher for them two. JLamb can spread the floor with his shooting ability and drive if he has space. 

6) Go small as much as possible. Big lineups at the beginning of the game are fine, because you need to make sure KD doesn't get in foul trouble too early.  But if he isn't in foul trouble he needs to play the 4 with Collison or Adams at the 5.

7) Perry Jones needs significant minutes.  I know everyone is thinking "Well, if he doesn't play then there must be a reason".  But in the regular season when Russ was out he was really good as well. He's 6' 11" and the second best athlete on the team behind Russ.  He can guard almost all positions and has a good outside shot.  So, unless he just falls on his face, he needs big minutes. Seriously though, if you ever get time, YouTube some of PJ3's dunking. It's really fun.

8)  The final thing is the biggest one, and not really an adjustment because it's been this way all year. But ride KD and Russ to the end.  You can count the Thunder out if you want, but with these two guys there is always a chance. 

  My solution to the injury itself?  Take one of his 57 abs and replace his calf muscle. 

 You're welcome ladies.  But, seriously, I think he could stand to donate one.

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