Thursday, May 29, 2014

Scotty vs. Pop

Scott Brooks vs. Greg Popovich

With The Thunder and Spurs playing each other in this Western Conference Finals, I'd like to open up a little discussion. I'm an OKC Thunder fan but i'm going to be VERY unbiased on this topic. You will hear a lot of people talking about this coaching match up and you would, obviously, give the edge to Pop and the San Antonio Spurs, and I would agree. Below, I will give you my reasons why...

Subject A: Scott Brooks

I like Scott Brooks. I think he is a great guy and a good coach. Notice I say good, not great. There are a lot of head scratching moves that he makes that I definitely question. Kendrick Perkins being a starting center and getting the playing time he always has befuddles me. But i'll save my thoughts on Kendrick for another time so back to Scotty. I'm sure a lot of people think like me and think they could coach this Thunder team to where they are now, and i'm sure we would be wrong. However, I think this team could be so much better, unstoppable actually, if they gave more minutes to certain people and less to others. There is absolutely no reason for Nick Collison to not be playing this series. I don't care if he didn't play one single minute in game 3 and very little in game 4, and both of those games resulted in victories. He still should play a very big role on this team. Jeremy Lamb should also have had more minutes throughout these entire playoffs. Now he is getting to play and I think he fits a role this thunder team has missed the past two series. He is very young but he can shoot and stretch the defense which is exactly what the thunder need. Especially when KD and Russ are struggling offensively. Basically, just sometimes I wonder if Brooks is watching the same game as me or if he's lost somewhere in the TNT universe working cases with Zach Morris from Saved by the Bell on Franklin and Bash. I'm just kidding but he looks just like Breckin Meyer(Franklin). Anyways...

Subject B: Greg Popovich

I have always respected Pop as a coach and think he is the best coach in the NBA. I really never liked the guy just because of his awkward and sometimes rude interviews during the game. But, this may be childish of me, ever since I found out that after he went to the Air Force Academy and underwent Intelligence gathering and processing training and considered a career with the CIA, he has become that much more interesting to me. I am a huge nerd for CIA/NSA/James Bond spy stuff so I kind of like him now and think his awkwardness is hilarious(Especially when he called out Dean Blevins in previous press conference for asking question with food in his mouth, that's hilarious) By the way, Dean said he wasn't expecting Pop to answer his question so soon. I've never been to a press conference and I have no extensive training in gathering intelligence. However, my intel tells me if you have your hand raised for questioning, and the guy selects you to ask your question, he's probably ready for it. So, with all that being said, here's is my conclusion...

Advantage: Greg Popovich

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